It is not that Army is fighting external enemies only. It is not that Army has to fight at physical level only. There are internal enemies, there are psychological enemies. Unfortunately, many of our own people are trying to undermine the morale and ethos of our soldiers by irresponsible statements. Or, who knows these people are agents of some external forces that want to destabilise the fabric of our nation.

In spite of all these anti india forces both external and internal, I am confident Army will come out with flying colours.


They know that the Indian Army is the last argument of the state. They know that after the Indian Army, there is nothing…no fallback. And so, with malice and cunning, they seek to undermine the institution and the man who leads it.

It’s a vicious web of half-truths, outright lies, deceit and ill gotten wealth. It is an eco-system where greed is king and the nation, a commodity to be sold to the highest bidder.

If you want to undermine India, what better way to do it than to undermine the institution with the utmost credibility and integrity? If you want to undermine the Indian Army, what better way to do it than abuse its Chief?

They know that the army will never respond. They know that the Chief of Army Staff will never respond. They are honour bound not to. So, the Indian Army and its Chief will maintain…

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10 thoughts on “A SOLDIER SPEAKS

  1. Beyond the army there is nothing! Such power and such truth in the statement. The World over countries celebrate Memorial days for their fallen heroes and sadly we have none. One of the world’s largest army force has to sit and defend itself. I only hope and pray that our Army knows that major part of its fellow countrymen stand by them and respect them

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This is but one of the many ways Mr Modi is failing the nation (and himself). It started with the feral curs of the communist party, followed by the calamitous cretins of congress. Those degenerates should have been booked for sedition the very same day.

    All forms of governance are susceptible to corruption. But Democracy’s —or rather mobocracy’s— days are over.


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